Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
As another year passes, I think about how thankful I am for my family. It was a wonderful treat to join together with so many family members at our reunion. As I watch the snow fall, I look forward with great anticiapation to our second annual reunion...which is in JULY...when it is HOT...and doesn't snow!!!! God Bless us, everyone!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas is coming....
but I think it is me who is getting fat[ter] not a goose...LOL!
Just some wrapping to do, then I think I am done. I have a Dr. appointment at 12:45 tomorrow, will stop and pick up a veggie tray for Christmas day on my way home. Last year I forgot that nothing was open late Christmas Eve, won't make the same mistake this year. Get your cookies ready, Santa is getting ready to come to your house!!
Just some wrapping to do, then I think I am done. I have a Dr. appointment at 12:45 tomorrow, will stop and pick up a veggie tray for Christmas day on my way home. Last year I forgot that nothing was open late Christmas Eve, won't make the same mistake this year. Get your cookies ready, Santa is getting ready to come to your house!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas plans
I have been trying to get everything done for Christmas so at the last minute I am not in a rush. I don't really have that much to do, my son-in-law may be coming over with the grandkids sometime over the holiday, but it is hard to say when. I just have a couple small gifts to pick up, and the only thing left to do is wrap and enjoy the holiday. We are going to my sister-in-law's house for Christmas afternoon, so the morning will probably be very relaxing just sitting around with Dave watching TV...maybe I can sneak in a showing of White Christmas!
I can't believe Christmas is so close... this year has just flown by...along with taking better care of our health, I think we need to make a resolution to just pay more attention to what is going on and savor each day. The years go by so fast, it seems it was just the start of Spring and then it is Christmas again!
I can't believe Christmas is so close... this year has just flown by...along with taking better care of our health, I think we need to make a resolution to just pay more attention to what is going on and savor each day. The years go by so fast, it seems it was just the start of Spring and then it is Christmas again!
We really got hit with the snow. I think we have about 12", but I didn't measure, just estimated. I like to think about planning the Family Reunion cause it makes me think of hot summer days instead of the freezing winter weather!
Hopefully I can get out to finish my Christmas shopping today!
Hopefully I can get out to finish my Christmas shopping today!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
A Simple Star
This poem was written by my cousin Chris Werre, she graciously gave me permission to post it here. It is beautiful!
Everyone could see the star that shone that night.
Those whose hearts were pure;
Those whose hearts were just not sure.
Brighter and brighter shone the light
That pierced the darkness of the night.
Little children stopped to stare,
Magi searched for what was there.
The Light shone into the unsure heart...
the child's heart...
the learned mind.
A star, a simple star, drew their eyes...
their hearts...
their minds,
To One whose story never ends;
whose life has no beginning.
Unchanging God.
The Light of the world could be seen from heaven...
from earth...
from eyes that yearned to see hope.
A simple start illuminating the Bright & Morning Star.
One light.
One star.
One Savior.
For you; for me; for all hearts.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Winter is coming!!!
We are supposed to get snow tonight. I don't think I will make it to work tomorrow, I am supposed to be heading down Baltimore way and they are supposed to get even more than we are. I don't like missing work, but at least it is a day that can be rescheduled.
I hope everyone stays safe and warm in the storm. The Connecticut and Maine family will probably get it worse than we do!!!
I hope everyone stays safe and warm in the storm. The Connecticut and Maine family will probably get it worse than we do!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Getting ready for Christmas
I am so glad to finally have the tree decorated! I love it so much when it is done, but the whole process of getting the decorations out of the attic and hauling them downstairs is a pain. I also have tons of decorations that I don't use...guess I need to downsize.
Still have shopping to do. Thankfully, I bought some things over the course of the year or I wouldn't have anything done. When I see something that I know a certain person would like, I buy it so that I don't have to go back later at Christmastime and find it. I did that this year, and I even know where the gifts are! That is the amazing part! I plan to get all presents bought and sorted and wrapped this weekend, then I will be all set!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I went to the gym today...second day in a row, good for me!! When I got home, guess who was sitting on my porch? A squirrel! Either there were three, or they did find thier way home!!!! I guess I have to go set the trap again!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Squirrels and Squirrels and Squirrels OH MY!!!
I looked out the back door this morning and saw the squirrels. I think they got into our attic and we can't figure out how they are getting in. I remembered that we have a Have a Heart Trap, so, since my husband wasn't home, I decided to be brave and try to trap them!
I had to goggle how to set the trap, that was easy! I put it on the back porch and threw in some honey nut cheerios and walnuts and a couple pieces of a fortune cookie. I kept looking out the door but there was nothing in my trap. I figured it wouldn't really work, but I kept looking anyway. Finally around 2:30....Look...there is a squirrel in my trap and a second squirrel sitting on top looking in at him. I called my husband and no matter where in the country you are, you probably heard him laughing! Now what do I do???!!!
- put a garbage bag on the back seat
- put on some thick gloves
- pick up the cage and carry to the car
- drive to a wooded area
- put the cage on the ground
- open the door
- watch squirrel shoot out like a bullet! I don't think he liked being in there!!!
I reset the trap when I got home, figuring that his friend wouldn't be stupid enough to go in after seeing him trapped in there. Here's a new flash...squirrels aren't very smart. About 2 hours later, I had squirrel number two trapped and carried away to the same wooded area as his friend. My only concern now is that they are smarter than I think and they will find their way back!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
check out the changes
Please scroll down and take a look at the page. I have added different pictures and a new slide show!
What a difference a day makes
yesterday was rainy, cold and miserable all day. Today it was sunny and in the 40's! Started working on the newsletter for January. I hope everyone enjoys reading it and doing the puzzles as much as I enjoy creating it. I spend so much time doing work on the computer for work, it is nice to have something personal to work on and utilize my skills! Time to relax, eat a bowl of soup and watch Public Enemies with my DH!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Slushy Sunday
Dave came home from work this morning with his hair all wet! It was raining and getting icy, glad he got home when he did! I have to get our Christmas tree decorated so I wasn't planning on going out anyway, but if this keeps up I know I won't be going out!
I walked into the living room and heard them talking on TV about this guy who hit two people with his car and his lawyer is claiming that the man had Caffeine Psychosis! I don't drink coffee in excess, but I do love my Starbucks...or Dunkin' Donuts...or Sheetz...or Gloria Jean...or Green Mountain...or Seattle's Best...okay, okay, I love just about any coffee! Well, I am Bette's daughter after all! I still can't imagine that I could have enough coffee that I wouldn't be able to drive without running over people. This is just what we needed, another made up disease, disorder, whatever you want to call it, for people to blame their bad behavior on!
plan for today...Drink coffee, decorate tree, drink more coffee, eat cookies, decorate the tree some more, watch a movie, drink more coffee....But don't drive, in this weather and with all the caffeine, I would just be an accident waiting to happen!
I walked into the living room and heard them talking on TV about this guy who hit two people with his car and his lawyer is claiming that the man had Caffeine Psychosis! I don't drink coffee in excess, but I do love my Starbucks...or Dunkin' Donuts...or Sheetz...or Gloria Jean...or Green Mountain...or Seattle's Best...okay, okay, I love just about any coffee! Well, I am Bette's daughter after all! I still can't imagine that I could have enough coffee that I wouldn't be able to drive without running over people. This is just what we needed, another made up disease, disorder, whatever you want to call it, for people to blame their bad behavior on!
plan for today...Drink coffee, decorate tree, drink more coffee, eat cookies, decorate the tree some more, watch a movie, drink more coffee....But don't drive, in this weather and with all the caffeine, I would just be an accident waiting to happen!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I pray that you all have safe travels and a wonderful holiday. It would be great if people would post what they are thankful for!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's official
My calculations were right... the Saturday of the Troy Fair is July 31, so that is the date for the 2nd annual Allen-Shaffer Family Reunion!! I am so happy to see that there are some new followers. Someone also suggested a facebook page...that's a great idea since many of us are on there every day!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
One year

It is hard to believe that tomorrow is one year since we lost dad. I think of him so often and find myself saying things that he would have seen. I know he will live forever in our hearts! I have to work on Monday teaching a class, it will be hard to get through the day having to be 'up' all day, but God will help me through it. We know he is in a better place, still makes it hard to accept that he isn't here with us anymore, but he will always be with us!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Coming soon to a mailbox near you: The first issue of the Allen-Shaffer Family Reunion Newsletter.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Many people have replied with thier thoughts about the second annual Allen-Shaffer Reunion. The River Fest thing in Towanda would be nice, but it is late August and we are afraid that it will be too close to when kids are going back to school and college. The Canton Fair doesn't hold the same interest as it once did, there just isn't much there for adults. Several people showed interest in the Troy Fair, so right now, it looks like that would be the time to have it. Penny thinks that the Troy Fair is always 2 or 3 weeks after the Canton Fair. I will investigate to see if I can find out more info and we will plan on that weekend. I know it is early, but for purposes of making reservations we will want to plan ahead a little further than we did this year. I hope that the family members who couldn't make it this year will be able to plan ahead and attend next year.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Family Reunion was a success!!!
The Allen/Shaffer Family reunion went very well! The weather held out for us, didn't start raining till we were about to head out anyway. Notice there is a new countdown...we enjoyed this so much, we want it to be an annual event! This countdown is for a tentative date...there is a Riverfest that goes on in Towanda, PA every August, from what I can find online, it will be the weekend of August 20, 21, 22. It was suggested that we have the reunion on that weekend since there seems to be much more to do at this festival than there is a the Canton Fair. We will be posting pictures and sending out save the date info once we know for sure what the date for the Second Annual Allen-Shaffer Reunion will be!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy Fourth of July!
I know this is late, but Happy 4th!!! Less than a week now till the Reunion!!! When we first started planning this, it seemed it would never get here. I don't like to see the Summer slip away, but I am looking forward to seeing everyone! I hope things turn out well for the weather and everything. We should have a great turnout! With all the brownies that are planned, I feel like I shouldn't eat all week in anticipation of them! See you all soon!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!!!!! I have been getting sad every time I think about Father's Day this year. I remember buying a card for dad last year and knowing that it was going to be the last card I would get for him. I stood in Target and cried...and I stood in Target and cried again a couple weeks ago when I was shopping with my friend Joan, thinking back to that time. On Saturday, I was feeling very depressed and sad, and I started talking to dad, as I do sometimes and I felt better! It is still hard to believe that he has been gone for almost a whole year, but I keep comforting myself with the knowledge that he is better off in Heaven than he was here on earth. I picture him as he was when I was a child, walking around with no pain...talking to his father and all the others who have gone on before him, and smiling down on us to let us know that everything is fine. I wonder if they have checkers and Uncle Wiggly in Heaven!
It's getting closer!
I am so excited about the reunion coming up! I can't wait to see everyone! We are going to have about 49 people attending! I know we will all have a great time playing games, eating and reminiscing about our families!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Don't forget to mail or email your replies! I would like to have all replies by June 11, this will allow plenty of time to get T-shirts ordered and make other final plans.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Plans are coming along
I have made a lot of progress on preparing for the reunion! I've been making things and gathering's fun to plan an event like this...thanks to everyone who is helping! I am looking forward to the picnic and seeing so many family members all together!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Making plans...
It seems like every day I think of something to do to get ready for the reunion. I am trying to come up with fun activities. Thanks to Kellie and Roger for volunteering to pick up the meats for the picnic, that is a big load off my mind. Congratulations to my brother, Jim, he wins the prize for being the first to reply to the invitation!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Bring pictures
Please bring plenty of photos/photo albums/scrapbooks along so we can enjoy looking at pictures from years gone by!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I knew I would forget something...
The day after I mailed the invitations, I realized that I didn't include who you should make the checks out to, so when Terry called and asked me, I wasn't surprised. If you want to send one check for the T-shirt and the reunion, please make it out to me..Missy Ardinger. If you want to make two separate checks, you can make the one for the T-shirt to Kim Walker and the one for the reunion to Missy. If anyone has any questions, please either post a comment here, or email me.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Invitations going out your mail. You can also reply by email if you want.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Going to see the site
Tomorrow Kellie and I will be going to see the place where the reunion will be held. I am anxious to see what is there and start making plans for fun activities for the day. I'm going up primarily to see mom for Mother's Day, but I thought it was a good opportunity to check out the pond.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Making plans
I will be sending out the official invitations soon, check your mail!! :-) If anyone has any ideas for fun activities for the day of the reunion, please share them. I have a couple ideas, and will have a better idea of what we can do after Kellie and I have visited the site next weekend. Kim is looking into creating T-shirts, thanks Kim, for taking on this project!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hooray! We have a location!
I finally talked to the right person today and got our location booked! The reunion picnic will be Saturday, July 11 at Sunfish Pond. I will be sending directions when invitations go out. I will be going to Canton to visit mom for Mother's Day and plan to go up to Sunfish Pond and check it out. I don't think it is a huge pavilion, but we will work it out, whatever it is. I am so excited. I hope lots of family members are able to make it!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
A few bumps in the road...
Not sure how this is all going to work out, the place I wanted to have the reunion doesn't have a pavilion available for that day, we could get one if we were going to do it Friday instead of Saturday, but I don't know if that will be difficult for people to work around with schedules. I can get a pavilion at another park, but it is further away. I'll keep investigating and hopefully will have something definite to report soon.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Planning and ideas
I have been thinking about what we should do for events for the reunion weekend. I would love it to be a couple day affair. Since we don't see each other very often, I hope we can have lots of time together. I hate when you get together with people and at athe end of the day you feel like you didn't get a chance to really talk to everyone. As soon as I have firm plans, I will post them here. I hope anyone reading this will pass the address on to others who I might not have contacted.
God Bless you all!
God Bless you all!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Save the date!
We have been talking about having a reunion for a while now. Here it finally is! We are planning a family reunion for the weekend of the Canton Fair in Canton, PA. The date for the reunion is July 10,11 & 12. Plans are just now underway, so the exact location and what all we will be doing is not fully decided. Since there aren't that many things to do in Canton, we decided that if we held it the same week that the fair is going on, we could hang out there part of the time. Ah, the memories, cotton candy, candy apples, the merry-mixer, the Farris wheel, the dime toss...or is it up to quarters by now!? BBQ chicken, ice cream and maybe even some Bingo! I am adding links for nearby hotels and B & B's. If you are reading this, please pass the information along to any other family members who might not know about it. We want to have as big a turnout as we can. Stay tuned for updates!
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