Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Making plans...

It seems like every day I think of something to do to get ready for the reunion. I am trying to come up with fun activities. Thanks to Kellie and Roger for volunteering to pick up the meats for the picnic, that is a big load off my mind. Congratulations to my brother, Jim, he wins the prize for being the first to reply to the invitation!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Bring pictures

Please bring plenty of photos/photo albums/scrapbooks along so we can enjoy looking at pictures from years gone by!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I knew I would forget something...

The day after I mailed the invitations, I realized that I didn't include who you should make the checks out to, so when Terry called and asked me, I wasn't surprised. If you want to send one check for the T-shirt and the reunion, please make it out to me..Missy Ardinger. If you want to make two separate checks, you can make the one for the T-shirt to Kim Walker and the one for the reunion to Missy. If anyone has any questions, please either post a comment here, or email me.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Invitations are on their way!

There is space around the pavilion to play, so bring Frisbees and ball gloves along, too!


Invitations going out today...watch your mail. You can also reply by email if you want.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Went to visit the sight of our upcoming reunion yesterday. Here is the pavilion, it is bigger than I expected. It was very windy, I expect since it is on top of a mountain, it will be breezy even in July. I am really looking forward to the picnic!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Going to see the site

Tomorrow Kellie and I will be going to see the place where the reunion will be held. I am anxious to see what is there and start making plans for fun activities for the day. I'm going up primarily to see mom for Mother's Day, but I thought it was a good opportunity to check out the pond.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Making plans

I will be sending out the official invitations soon, check your mail!! :-) If anyone has any ideas for fun activities for the day of the reunion, please share them. I have a couple ideas, and will have a better idea of what we can do after Kellie and I have visited the site next weekend. Kim is looking into creating T-shirts, thanks Kim, for taking on this project!!!