Saturday, August 18, 2012

We talked about themes for next year and although we didn't vote, I think all who were involved agreed that the Carnival theme would be fun.  This will bring back memories of the carnivals that John, Michael and Jim used to hold down at the Shaffer farm.

An idea for next year...

 Maybe next year we can have a cage match fight! 
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Monday, August 6, 2012

The 4th Annual Allen-Shaffer Family Reunion was a success.  Everyone had a great time. It was fun to see what Hollywood themes we came up with. Kellie and her crew dressed as the Muppets.  Penny, Steve and Dylan depicted Gilligan's Island, James, Diane and girls were the Worst Chef and Dave and Missy represented Grimm.  It was very hot so we didn't get around to playing Wiffleball this was better to sit in the shade looking at pictures, talking and laughing.

Friday, June 1, 2012

4th on the 4th

2 months till the 4th annual Allen-Shaffer Family reunion!  I enjoy all the planning and prep for the reunion and just love the day!  It is so great seeing everyone, playing games, eating the great food, catching up with the family.  I am hoping that we will have a great turnout this year...hopefully some people who haven't gotten to attend will get to come this year.

Plan now to join in on Saturday, August 4th!